Thursday, April 15, 2010

My Exception


This is Michiel speaking.. Well, right now it's one o' clock so I'm pretty sure Kelly is asleep.. But let me tell you what we've been up to..

So the story behind me and Kelly is the one where we go to the same school and we're close friends. Each day of school is something I look forward to just because I know I'll be spending the day with 3 great friends.. Kelly's one of them..

Now, you may or may not know that I'm also active in a solo-project called "Your Countdown". In our group of friends the attention always went straight to Your Countdown whenever a new single was released.. Your Countdown is an instrumental project and I was looking for a singer/songwriter to join the crew for a few tracks we could do together.. To me it didn't matter who it was, as long as he/she could give something extra to the music I make..

I don't know how it al happened but one day I heard Kelly sing and I though that she could be that singer/songwriter I was looking for.. So I spoke to her about making something together and she said she has written a lot of songs in the Soul-genre (looking up to people like Belgium's own Natalia).. I was wondering if we could bent it a bit to make it a true dance-song, like I'm used to make..

We decided to come together one day to work on a song called "Not Meant To Be".. A song with only 4 lines of lyrics and that's it.. One way or another it just worked and I've had the compliment that this was the best Your Countdown-song so far.

One night Kelly and I sat together in a pub in Tienen discussing what we could do as a next song.. So many ideas got to the surface that we decided to start our own little project.. This is where the roots of My Exception lie.. Right now I'm just getting everything set-up so that My Exception is here!

For the moment we've got 4 more drafts done and we're waiting for a chance to work on them..

I think this might become huge..

Welcome to My Exception!

Michiel & Kelly

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