Saturday, May 1, 2010

First Live Rehearsal Of Our First Songs!

Yesterday we went to a karaoke-bar in Tienen and Michiel has made a CD with on it 2 instrumental edits of My Exception-songs.. We wanted to see how far we've come since the early start of this project, a month or so ago..

Now, this guy who was running this karaoke-thing had heard Kelly a week before and he really liked her voice, so when Kelly asked him to play our songs he thought it was quite ok! So yesterday we gave our first live performance, but we like to call it a live rehearsal since we were just trying some things and just getting used to the feeling of standing in front of a crowd. There's a lot of work left, but this was a good experience, for both members of the group.

You can watch the live rehearsal in Michiel's Tumblr Movie Of The Week (it starts somewhere around 4:18)


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