Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Vacation: 20 July - 27 July

I'm leaving tomorrowmorning on a vacation to Italy so I won't be able to update my personal blog and my Your Countdown-blog. Normally the My Exception-blog will remain unchanged as well, but Kelly has access to that blog as well so I don't know that for sure :D

In Italy I'll be working on the tracklist of the Your Countdown Newsletter Exclusive album which will be released 6 August (subscripe if you want it), but most of the time I'll be clearing my head so that I can start working on the new albums (Your Countdown & My Exception).

Also make sure you tune in to JIM TV tonight at 8.30 PM to watch me, Kelly, Jeroen & Layla in "Looking For Pearl"!

So that's about everything, no updates this week. I hope you'll survive :D

Have a nice week,


Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Kelly op JIM!

Kelly haar deelname in Looking For Pearl gaat vanaf dinsdag uitgezonden worden op JIM TV! Zeker zappen naar JIM om 20:30 dus!! :D

Sunday, July 11, 2010


Yes, we do have our own .tk-site right now!

Make sure you tell us what you think of the site and tell us on Facebook what you think we should add to our site! :D

Enjoy it!! :D

Kelly & Michiel

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Album Update #4

This week's Album Update doesn't really mention a lot of My Exception, but you get the link to our .tk-site we're currently working on.. Reactions are always welcome! Tell us what you think we should add to the site :D

Kelly & Mich

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Album Update #3

In this update I will talk about:
- Kelly's AMAZING performance in JIM TV's "Looking For Pearl"-contest
- The Your Countdown Surprise
- A bit more info about both albums

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Album Update #2

Second album update!!

You will get info about:
- The Moodio contest
- When the new Your Countdown-Album will start taking shape
- Why My Exception isn't yet recording songs
- The repetition of My Exception earlier today

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Album Update #1

Yes, just like Michiel did 2 years ago with Your Countdown's "On My Own Side"-album, we will post a video from time to time telling you guys what's goin' on in Michiel's music-project Your Countdown & our joined project My Exception. These updates will show you behind the scenes, fun stuff, repetitions and more like that, just to get the people that like our music involved in what we do :)

Here's episode number 1!

Enjoy it!! :D

Mike & Kelly

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

New Design

As you can see, the blogs are looking different from the last time you saw them.. Blogger recently inserted a design-thing with a lot more possibilities then ever before.. So I thought this would be a nice break with all these normal "black" pages..

Ok, so that's all for now.. Things might've got fucked up along the way but let me know what you think, but don't post it in the comments below.. Thanks to all these Japanese Porn-promotors I don't look there no more :)

Also have a look here by tomorrownight for the first YC/ME-Album Update! We're going to write some songs and stuff, so if you want to see that and get a preview of our album you should come back :D

Have a nice time @ this new blog :)


Sunday, May 16, 2010

Saturday, May 1, 2010

First Live Rehearsal Of Our First Songs!

Yesterday we went to a karaoke-bar in Tienen and Michiel has made a CD with on it 2 instrumental edits of My Exception-songs.. We wanted to see how far we've come since the early start of this project, a month or so ago..

Now, this guy who was running this karaoke-thing had heard Kelly a week before and he really liked her voice, so when Kelly asked him to play our songs he thought it was quite ok! So yesterday we gave our first live performance, but we like to call it a live rehearsal since we were just trying some things and just getting used to the feeling of standing in front of a crowd. There's a lot of work left, but this was a good experience, for both members of the group.

You can watch the live rehearsal in Michiel's Tumblr Movie Of The Week (it starts somewhere around 4:18)


Sunday, April 25, 2010

We've Got A Spot On Humyo!

For all of you who don't know what that means, it's the place online where our albums and singles will be uploaded and where you can download them for free.. To go to our space just click here or use the link in the sidebar. To celebrate this we've put up an instrumental edit of a new song we're working on :)

So that's another step closer to a better project :)

Here are the direct links to the song "Touched The Ground (Instrumental)"

Enjoy it! :D

Thursday, April 15, 2010

My Exception


This is Michiel speaking.. Well, right now it's one o' clock so I'm pretty sure Kelly is asleep.. But let me tell you what we've been up to..

So the story behind me and Kelly is the one where we go to the same school and we're close friends. Each day of school is something I look forward to just because I know I'll be spending the day with 3 great friends.. Kelly's one of them..

Now, you may or may not know that I'm also active in a solo-project called "Your Countdown". In our group of friends the attention always went straight to Your Countdown whenever a new single was released.. Your Countdown is an instrumental project and I was looking for a singer/songwriter to join the crew for a few tracks we could do together.. To me it didn't matter who it was, as long as he/she could give something extra to the music I make..

I don't know how it al happened but one day I heard Kelly sing and I though that she could be that singer/songwriter I was looking for.. So I spoke to her about making something together and she said she has written a lot of songs in the Soul-genre (looking up to people like Belgium's own Natalia).. I was wondering if we could bent it a bit to make it a true dance-song, like I'm used to make..

We decided to come together one day to work on a song called "Not Meant To Be".. A song with only 4 lines of lyrics and that's it.. One way or another it just worked and I've had the compliment that this was the best Your Countdown-song so far.

One night Kelly and I sat together in a pub in Tienen discussing what we could do as a next song.. So many ideas got to the surface that we decided to start our own little project.. This is where the roots of My Exception lie.. Right now I'm just getting everything set-up so that My Exception is here!

For the moment we've got 4 more drafts done and we're waiting for a chance to work on them..

I think this might become huge..

Welcome to My Exception!

Michiel & Kelly